Your relationship started with dreams of “happy ever after,” the house/condo of your dreams and then travel or some other enjoyable activity. But things have not (or are not) going like you had hoped. Pressures of work, finance, health, family and other things have encroached on your dream. Your family seems to be having difficulty talking with each other. You want your relationship and family interactions to be better, but your efforts haven’t produced the results you had hoped.
Can I help? As a Marriage and Family therapist I have training in the dynamics of couple and family relationships. Your issues, whether they are centered around communication, sexual issues, finances, parenting, or some other problem, can be treated in personal, confidential, and professional sessions. Counseling isn’t just listening, it’s teaching tools and offering new methods for communication, stress management and solving problems.
I also work with individuals experiencing depression, anxiety, grief, and adjustment to life changes. In addition to Cognitive Behavior Therapy, I offer help via NeurOptimal treatment, biofeedback through HearthMath, and the BAUD.
I invite you to try one session with me and then make your decision about our further work together. Simply call 972-680-8986 ext. 300. I look forward to hearing from you and answering your questions.