Robin Powell


I am only seeing patients via Video (telehealth).


We are often confronted with feeling like we should have “the magic answer” or that we should know how to deal with every situation and stressor; be it children, spouses, grief or life change.  The reality is that life does not always equip us with the skills to manage these difficult hurdles. Life is like being on a big ocean in a small rubber boat.  It often feels that the waves of stress will swamp us. Through counseling you can acquire new skills to learn how to “surf the waves” in your rubber boat!  We can’t stop the waves from coming; but we have the power to decide if they will drown us or if we will ride them out.


Clients will often say, “I went to a therapist and they just sat there and listened and nodded.”  I’m more than a listen and nod therapist; I would describe myself as an action oriented and interactive therapist. As a cognitive behavioral therapist I work with clients to identify strengths and focus in on negative self-talk that is creating a stagnant or distressing situation. Whether you are trying to overcome anxiety, master depression, cope with loss, survive your child’s teen years or lose weight you will reach your goals more rapidly by focusing on your strengths, shifting self-talk and adding in positive behaviors and coping skills.  We are creatures of habit and feel comfortable and safe staying in our familiar routines. However, it is these habits and negative self-talk patterns that prevent us from reaching our full potential. Through counseling I will assist you in changing self-defeating, habitual thoughts and behaviors into positive, empowering thoughts and actions.


I am a specialist in grief counseling and work with clients who have lost a loved one in a variety of ways, including suicide, illness, and prenatal death.  Many things come under the heading of grief, including divorce, caregiver stress, coping with elderly parents, and job loss.


Texas A& M University, B.S. (1989)

University of Texas At Arlington , Maters of Science in Social Work (1992)


Licensed Clinical Social Worker -State of Texas Lic. # 22031

Board Approved Social Work Supervisor-State of Texas


Certified Thanatologist-Association for Death Education and Counseling


National Association of Social Workers

Association of Death Education and Counseling

Contact Me


972-680-8986 ext. 302




Divorce Recovery






Life Changes


Elder Care Issues

Insurance Accepted




Counseling: Adobe PDF | Microsoft Word


Insurance : Adobe PDF | Microsoft Word


Release of Information: Adobe PDF | Microsoft Word